Thursday, 27 May 2010

Care for a vino?

I’ve recently returned to Brisbane from a few years overseas and apparently (I hear) there’s not much nightlife during the week in this “big country town” where I grew up. I’m not convinced.

How about a wine on Wednesday then? Once a month, enjoy a wine, catch-up with friends, check-out a different wine-serving establishment somewhere in Brisbane, and perhaps, in the process, learn a thing or two about wine. It will be very casual and may involve one glass or several bottles*, entirely dependent on the mood and your agenda on the night. We’ll do formal tastings sometimes, specific wine-themed nights, solve the problems of the world or just keep it low key. It’s obligation free, just for fun, and a tiny little bit wanky… as with all things wine-related. And, as a regular calendar fixture, it will, if nothing else, provide an excuse to anyone for a mid-week night out and catch-up. Please come along as often as you like if you care for a vino.

I'll use this blog to keep you updated with dates, times, venues, formalities, debriefs, the occasional photo and anything else of interest wine-wise as we go along. Pencil in Wednesday, 9 June 2010 for the first one of these nights appreciating fine wine and chatter. Details to follow soon.


*As much as possible I’d like WoW to encourage responsible drinking as well as not encourage widespread drink-driving. So, to get to and from the venues we choose, I’ll be advocating alternative modes of transport – whether it be use of the excellent (really) public transport options in this river city of ours, car-pooling with a designated-driver, group taxis for a common suburban area, or perhaps simply walking or riding a bicycle (carefully)…..and, so, hopefully, as a by-product of these WoW nights, we embrace the transport systems the BCC so desperately wants us to utilise, other than our own car, and thereby avoid any DUI and even save the environment just a little too.

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